The famous rice terraces of Batad in the Ifugao province were one of the most impressive sights I’ve seen during our 5 month trip around the world. Found on Luzon in the Ifugao mountains these ingenious rice terraces are sometimes called the eighth wonder of the world and rightfully so! The terraces are believed to …
Here you can read all the posts about traveling in the Philippines!
With more than 7000 islands to choose from, the Philippines are a dream destination for many people, myself included. The country offers some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and spectacular diving opportunities. Furthermore, there are ancient rice terraces to be explored, lovely little villages, and the famous Chocolate Hills. Altogether, our 3 …
El Nido on the tropical island of Palawan is a dreamy place to visit. From stunning white sandy beaches, limestone cliffs, and beautiful hidden lagoons, El Nido is one of the most beautiful places in the world! El Nido is also one of the premier scuba diving destinations in the world. Because conservation efforts have …
Traveling to the Philippines had been a dream of mine for years. To be more precise, since the moment I found out one of my favorite TV shows (Survivor or Expeditie Robinson as it is called in the Netherlands) was recorded there. Never having traveled outside Europe before and therefore being used to a pretty …
El Nido is a tropical paradise on the island Palawan, one of the 7000 islands in the Philippines. Even after visiting many countries and lots of (tropical) islands, El Nido still ranks as one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen! While the village itself is definitely nice, the reason to visit El Nido …